Greetings Letter to GLWS Members

Hello and greetings to all of our Gull Lake Watershed Society (GLWS) members.

Since the GLWS started it’s membership drive April 27/23, our membership has grown from 54 persons to 351 persons as at the time of this writing.

We have recently created a new website called Gull Lake Watershed Society and on that website, a page exists entitled “MEMBERSHIP” If you are a property owner around the lake or a user of the lake such as a boater, camper, fisher person, beach person or anyone who just loves Gull Lake, we need you and your spouses, family members, friends, neighbours, work mates, etc. that share your Gull Lake experience to join the GLWS simply by filling out the membership form on the website and sending it. There is no charge to be a member. Please let them know and encourage them to join. The bigger our membership is, the louder and stronger our voice becomes and at the present time, we need the strength and the volume. Our society needs more members — “A lot more.”

At present, our low lake levels are most concerning and In efforts to get those levels back up to optimum, our president (Norval Horner) and the GLWS Board of Directors (11 of) are working with various individuals from ministries of our provincial government regarding the two initiatives including the Forsta Pressurized Filtration system to the existing pumphouse near Bentley to keep Prussian Carp eggs out of the lake, and also, the new well pumping proposal from the Haynes Aquifer located within the Paskapoo Formation or both. The new well initiative consisting of the considerd 10 new wells around the lake could also each be complimented with fire fighting water pumping assistance, as the areas around the lake are quite wooded.

After submissions of engineering reports, phone calls, letters and e-mails to three different environment ministers and deputy ministers for Alberta Environment and Protected Areas, and also Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation, we have recently been encouraged by some positive news from Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation regarding one of the initiatives, however, we will share that news with you once things have been better confirmed.

If you would like the GLWS to address your specific group, we would be more than happy to accommodate you. Please contact us by visiting our website.

Henry Brander
GLWS Membership Director

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